They remaining two then proceed towards the end of the road, taking out duos of enemies with their grenades and guns. Garcia's squad, on the way, an excited Tasker rushes ahead, only to be blown up by a burning car. Sergeant Fairborn battles his way in search of Capt. The group reaches the main roadway, the primary territory of the militants which is also the only way to head north towards Captain Garcia. As they proceed further, they find another survivor named Tasker, Steven then remarks how "Intel" was wrong in providing them information about the militants in the area. On his way he met fellow soldier named Private Stevens who accompanies him on the search. Sergeant Fairborn is sent on a mission to extract Captain Garcia's squad whose chopper was shot down in an undisclosed battlefield. Pressing the fire button will cause the soldier to fire from cover and holding the run key towards the direction of the barricade will cause the soldier to vault over it. By simply running into an object in the world the player's soldier automatically crouch, and will be protected from enemy fire. Many of the objects can be used as cover, including barricades and wrecked cars. These values are then added up, but failing to finish the mission in ten minutes will cause a game over.Ĭovering barricades are populated throughout the game world. Players earn a high score and a best time for each mission of the game, the score breaks down as follows: each enemy killed is worth 100 points, each friendly that survives is 100 points, each object destroyed is 100 points. The game states this as a powerful attack, but is best used against single enemies that are unaware of the player, although in some cases, enemies get courageous enough to run up to the player and force them to use melee. When in close range to enemies, players are still able to press a button to perform a close-range melee attack, this includes the soldier tripping the enemy and shooting at them as they fall down. Health is automatically regenerated at all times, so sandbags and other structures are given to give the player a place to rest before engaging in battle again. If all squares turn black, the soldier will die and the mission will be restarted. Instead of a screen getting red, a green ring surrounds the player's sprite, this starts turning black once they start taking too many hits.

Targeting icons appear on their chests and the player will be able to fire until they run out of bullets and reload. To fight, players must stand still while targets are automatically acquired when within firing range. Due to its limits as a mobile game, the game is played in the third-person point of view.